In YCDA skill development and Placement started as an outfit of our livelihood programme. In 2016, YCDA and Tata trust started working together in Internal Migration programme where livelihood promotion through vocational training was part of the intervention. We jointly developed a low cost one-month module to train youth in a community-based setting. The training comprises with a set of classroom activities and Life Skills. Than, we took few other assignments in this line focussing on self-employment and entrepreneurship development.
It is clear that there is an immediate need to address the issues of youth who do not get an opportunity to complete their schooling and enter in the vicious circle of poverty by joining informal job market. We support them through career guidance and linked them to appropriate skill training programmes offered by various governments and non -government institutions and demonstrate effective program models to support disadvantaged young people to make relevant career choices based on the career preparation process.
Our intervention mainly focuses on following three key levels
Pre training phase activities and deliverable
Which focuses on Induction/orientation of the selected candidates on skill training requirements with a structured counselling module.
Training phase and deliverable
Focus will be on facilitating on in-house training and commencement of training as per the interest.
Post training phase and deliverable
Assessment and Individual business plan prepared and required support provided to candidate. Formation of Alumni group and facilitate peer-to-peer support.
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