Aftercare is the provision of care for the “young adults” after they have attained the age of 18 years, and are discharged from Children’s Homes/Special Homes or from institutions. It is to help or prepare them to be self-independent who can be sustained by them-selves during the transition from institutional to independent life. The objective of aftercare is to enable such young adults to adapt themselves to society and to encourage them to move away from institution-based life to independent life.roulette222
Aftercare is an important stage in the continuum of care, as it ensures smooth rehabilitation and reintegration of a child in need of care and protection/conflict with the law as she/he steps into adulthood into a larger society.
YCDA is working with the District Child Protection Units and Child Care Institutions and encompasses aftercare services to the young adults from across Odisha and rehabilitates them. We facilitate for Life skill training after a thorough individual care plan, facilitate for higher education, support with group living arrangements and rehabilitation arrangements have been made.
A state-level “Care Leavers Associations” of care leavers has been formed and further process is going on to unite and develop solidarity among the members.